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Talesun Solar Donates 20kW PV Modules to Thailand Temples

2016年7月,中国江苏,全球领先的光伏专业制造商中利腾晖宣布,“一带一路禅修茶道光伏行”组件捐赠活动正式完成交接。据悉,此次捐赠的20千瓦组件型号全部为中利腾晖TP672P,受赠方为泰国MAB UAENG生态农业寺庙和WonGSAINT ASHROM生态寺庙。

Jiangsu, China, July 2016, the world's leading professional photovoltaic manufacturer, Talesun Solar declared that the PV module donation activity of "the Belt and Road, Tea Ceremony & Zen Meditation with Solar PV” has formally completed the handover. It is reported that all this 20 kW PV modules are Talesun Solar TP672P type, and the recipients are Thailand MAB UAENG ecological and agricultural temple and WonGSAINT ASHROM ecological temple.

MAB UAENG地处泰国北部,受赠10千瓦光伏系统。负责人Songkrom法师领导寺庙用15年的时间建成了现在的生态农业中心,旨在告诉人们用适宜方法发展农业,保护地球生态。该寺庙坚持自然农业以及自给自足的经济哲学思想,积极参与生态环境问题的修复以及气候变暖问题的解决。此次活动,Songkrom法师表示:“中利腾晖是全球知名的光伏制造商,此次捐赠,彰显了中利腾晖企业实力,和对世界生态环境更美好的支持。我们很感谢中利腾晖对泰国生态寺庙,以及全球绿色环境的关心和付出。”

MAB UAENG, who received 10 kW of photovoltaic systems, is located in the north part of Thailand. The Master of the temple, Songkrom has spent 15 years to build the current ecological & agricultural temple, which is designed to tell people how to develop agriculture appropriately, and protect the earth ecology. The temple adheres to the natural agriculture and self-sufficiency philosophy, and actively participates in repairing and solving climate warming and ecological problems. Master Songkrom said: "Talesun Solar is the world's leading PV manufacturer. The donation manifested Talesun Solar’s strength, and also great support to the better world environment. We are very thankful for what has Talesun Solar done and their care and contribution to the world environment."

WonGSAINT ASHROM生态寺庙建于1985年,此次同样受赠10千瓦光伏系统。WonGSAINT ASHROM生态寺庙集佛教教义、禅修培训中心、文化多样性和环境可持续为一体,同时结合精神实践与社会参与,展现了一种质朴简单的生活理念与方式。对于此次捐赠活动,负责人Moo法师表示:“能源清洁化是未来的趋势,但同样也需要每家每户,每个单位从自身做起。作为现代型的庙宇,我们走在世界的前沿,希望有更多的企业像中利腾晖一样多多支持先进生态的发展。”

WonGSAINT ASHROM ecological temple was built in 1985, and also has been endowed with 10 kW of photovoltaic systems. WonGSAINT ASHROM ecological temple sets Buddhism, meditation training, cultural diversity and environmental sustainability as one, and combined with spiritual practices and community involvement, demonstrated a simple concept and simple way of life. For this donation, the Master of temple Moo commented: "Clean energy is the future, but also needs everyman to get involved. As a modern temple, we are at the frontline of the world. We hope more companies like Talesun Solar can support ecological development."


Mr. Zhou Jianxin, president of Talesun Solar, commented: "We are very delighted to be able to participate in the donation. As an advanced new energy enterprise, we are deserved to contribute to the world's clean energy. Meantime, Thailand has always been the key market for Talesun Solar. From Talesun been founded in 2010 to Talesun Thailand been founded in 2015, this target market has nerve changed. The donation is only a beginning, and we hope that in the future we can be more involved in the progress of green energy, to contribute to a greener earth.”


Talesun Solar is one of the top 10 world's leading PV manufacturers. It has been on market since 2009 (The Shenzhen Stock Exchange: 002309). Talesun Solar’s business scope includes solar cells, solar modules, EPC and turn-key solutions of PV projects.




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