Chinese entities filed for 530 camera and video surveillance patents last year more than five times the number applied for in the US as the country ramps up facial recognition technologies and social monitoring. 随着中国启用面部识别...... Chinese entities filed for 530 camera and video surveillance patents last year ― more than five times the number applied for in the US ― as the country ramps up facial recognition technologies and social monitoring. 随着中国启用面部识别技术和加强社会监控,该国去年申请了共530项摄像头和视频监控专利,是在美国申请专利的5倍多。 Residents can already use their faces to shop, pay and enter buildings ― and become targets for the same technology being harnessed by government and police (embedded in stylish sunglasses) to track down miscreants ranging from jaywalkers and toilet roll thieves to more hardened criminals. 中国国民已经可以用“刷脸”的方式去购物、付钱和进入大楼,并同时成为政府和警察利用同样“刷脸”技术追踪的目标。从横穿马路、厕所贼到更顽固的不法之徒等,都逃不出他们的法眼。 While the technology has won plaudits for making daily chores more convenient and tracking down missing children or elderly citizens, it also has a darker side: tracking citizens, who are mostly unaware, as they go about their daily business. 虽然这项技术让日常琐事变得更便捷,也大大地提高了追踪失踪儿童和老年人的效率,但是它也有一个黑暗面:追踪公民,而这些日常隐私被侵犯的公民往往毫不知情。 According to CB Insights, which tracked patents on the Espacenet database, China’s patent filings compare with just 96 in the US. China also filed more than 900 facial recognition patents, the tech consultancy found. Applicants span government-backed institutions and the private sector, it said. 根据CB Insights跟踪报道,在Espacenet专利数据库里发现在面部识别领域,相较于只有96个专利的美国,中国曾提出申请的面部识别专利超过900个。据悉,这些专利申请者大多来自政府机构和私营部门。 Analysts and industry players point to China’s data advantage, including a wealth of information on citizens being recorded from birth and less rigorous standards of data privacy than some other jurisdictions. At over 1bn, China boasts the world’s largest database of national identification photos. 分析师和行业参与者指出,中国在面部识别领域占据非常大的数据优势,这包括该国公民从出生开始就被记录的信息数据,以及其较不严格的数据隐私标准。中国拥有世界上最大的居民身份识别照片数据库, 该数据高达10亿上下。 CB Insights cites a documentary last year, co-produced by the Communist party, claiming the country had the largest network of CCTV cameras, 20m, in the world. CB Insights引用了一部去年由中共联合制作的纪录片,声称中国拥有世界上最大的闭路电视监控系统,旗下拥有的网络摄像机高达2000万台。 Companies operating in the sector include Hikvision, SenseTime, Megvii’s Face++ facial recognition and LLVision, the company behind the technology in the police glasses.在该领域开展业务的公司有Hikvision、SenseTime、Megvii’s Face++ facial recognition和LLVision,后者则是发明警察特殊眼镜技术的公司。 Unicorns in the field have attracted money from multinationals, China’s tech titans and government. “As with overall funding trend in AI, there are far fewer deals in China in 2017 than the US, but far greater funding,” said CB Insights senior analyst Deepashri Varadharajan. Last year saw $445m across 68 deals in the US versus $1.64bn across 45 in China. 这一领域的独角兽们已经吸引了大量跨国公司、中国技术巨头和政府的资金。CB Insights高级分析师Varadharajan先生说:“与人工智能的总体融资趋势一样,2017年中国在面部识别领域的投资交易数量少于美国,但投资金额却远超于美国。”去年,在美国的68笔交易中交易金额达到4.45亿美元,而在中国仅45笔交易中交易金额却到达了16.4亿美元。 SenseTime, valued at $3bn at its last funding round, said China was helped by people’s greater willingness to adopt new technology. “Also, in China they have an idea, implement it and adjust policy afterwards,” a spokesman at the company said. “In western countries they discuss policy and process well before launching [tech products].” 面部识别科技公司SenseTime在上一轮融资中的估值为30亿美元,该公司表示,相较于许多西方国家,中国更愿意采用新技术。在中国有一个观念,先启用实施新科技,然后再调整政策。然而在西方国家,他们在推出科技产品之前,必须先建立好政策和产品流程走向。===============================听外媒聊金融,更多精彩内容:征收房地产税确凿无疑爱奇艺申请IPO,来了解一下还有谁将进军资本市场优步自动驾驶汽车撞死行人崭新的女性企业文化全国两会来了!这份双语指南请收好!阿里巴巴危险的信用评级制度京东拟明年进军欧洲中国房地产政策收紧谷歌和腾讯达成专利共享协议女性成为家庭经济的主导者我的新年计划:再也不做月光族